Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Return of the Soggy Bottoms, Boy

So, every Wednesday evening I go running with a group hardcore trail-runners on some of the toughest trails in town.  We've been meeting and running like this for over a year now.  You may think by Hardcore that I mean we are really fast or something.  But that's not what hardcore means.  Hardcore means that we run every Wednesday night.  In the hot sun, in the cold wind, in the freezing rain, in the pitch black darkness, through the impenetrable fog,  and even in the occasional freezing-cold-bitter-dark-windy-torrential-downpour!

And by occasional, of course, I mean that it seems to rain on us every other week.  Now you may be thinking that I'm prone to exaggeration, and that may well be the truth, but that doesn't change the fact that we have run through a disproportionate amount of inclement weather on Wednesday nights this winter.  On no less than three occasions in the past two months, we have run through bone-chilling-saturating-monsoons.

But being the Hardcore runners that we are, we trudge on.  Saying things like: "At least it's not terribly windy," and "It could be worse, at least it's not icy," to try to keep up morale as we slog up hill after hill looking like a gang of wet cats.

"Why do we do it?"  I figured you would ask me that.  I guess we have different reasons.  The camaraderie of running with a group that is as crazy as you.  The need for the training.  The love of running.  The knowledge that most people, even runners, aren't out there doing it.

"At least we're not being chased by a pack of wolves."


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