Friday, October 11, 2013

Will > Skill

Last night I was lying in bed, unable to sleep, drifting not into slumber but from one social media website to another pinboard style website and back, when I stumbled across the following quote.

 I am sometimes asked about my training, to which I am often floundering around for an answer. I am pretty confident I don't train the hardest or the smartest. I struggle between the feeling that I'm overtraining or not training enough. I have come to the realization actually over the course of the past year that my brain, not my legs, have just as much if not more control in whether or not there is any success in an event than the number of miles in a training period or the pace kept during said miles. It's not that I don't think I must train. I just believe, for me at least, there's more to the equation. I haven't been certain if that other part of the equation was stubbornness or heart, a little of both maybe, but when I stumbled across these words by Muhammad Ali last night, they spoke to me in a way that I found myself replying, 'yes, that's it, will'.

So there you have it, the answer was just that simple. I had even heard it before. "If there's a will, there's a way."

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