Monday, March 19, 2012

2012: Week 11

Monday: Rest
Tuesday: Track session, arrived a little late, didn't get in as long a warm-up in as I'd planned. Did a ladder workout of 400, 600, 800, 1200, 800, 600, 400. The whole work out was a little bit of a struggle and it was warm out. 6 miles
Wednesday: Trail run, great run. Ran 13 miles on Candler's in just over 2 hours. Pushed it several times and then almost crashed twice but was able to recover while running both times.
Thursday: Rest
Friday: Ran ~5.5 with a friend, a comfortable pace.
Saturday: Did not want to get up and out of bed for this morning's run. Brodie was up three time the night before and I was just wanting to go back to bed. Ended up going out to Blackwater and ran an awesome tempo 10k training run faster than my current goal for the race. Track work is paying off. 7 miles.
Sunday: Long run on Candler's 15 miles.

Miles for the week~ 46.5

Didn't do any cross training or strength this week and my long run was shorter than I had planned (supposed to be 16). However, the tempo run on Saturday has me pumped for the upcoming 10k  at the end of the month. But first, Montvale 10 miler this upcoming week. Aiming for ~9 minute overall pace. Hoping that all that running on Candler's will pay off.


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