Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Where I Stand

Almost an entire year has gone by without a post and so much has happened that I don't even know where to begin. I guess I could start big and go from there.

I started out the year with fifty-plus mile weeks in preparation for my upcoming ultra race, my first, Holiday Lake 50k. It was quite an experience, I learned a lot just in training about myself and about my bodies strengths and limitations. The race itself was also a huge learning experience. I finished, exceeding my goals for the race, in 5:29:41. I started dreaming up other ultra races and how to better my training when ten days later I found out I was pregnant. I was, to be completely forthcoming, a wee bit devastated by the news. For some reason I was convinced that running with three was possible but that running with four was just inconceivable. I figured my running would fall by the wayside as the pregnancy progressed and be another thing I failed.

And then at six weeks nausea and worse set in. I took days and days off and felt sorrier for myself than I can ever remember feeling. A remark made by my husband, certainly with no intention to offend, forced me at seven weeks to wake up, stop feeling sorry for myself, and move on. I returned to my running with less vigor but I was pleased to find that I could still run despite a few days off. I had for the past year stuck to a strict running schedule always hesitant and a tad bitter when in need of a rest day not on the calendar. So forward I ran throwing out schedules and not even bothering to record mileage. And so I continued to run (with my doctor's blessing and enthusiasm) and the baby continued to grow, and together we became a wonderful running couple. I fervently listened to my body and responded to it's requests for hydration, rest, walk breaks, whatever it seemed to ask. I continued to race enjoying the social aspect and the self evaluation that came with my attempts.

I kept thinking I would stop running at some point, but I only felt better the further along I got and so I kept on moving, usually feeling better the days I ran than those I took for complete rest. I started to think about my postpartum plans. I wondered how quickly I would return to running after the baby arrived, should I follow a Couch to 5k program, I wondered? I worked out a tentative race schedule for 2012 and impatiently awaited for baby, I was convinced he would come early.

But despite my various attempts at labor induction he came late, six hours after his due date had come and gone, he finally made his debut.  I fell. In love. Immediately. He was not our first child, he is not even our first baby boy (he has two older brothers and a sister). But you see I had planned those babies, had their names picked out months before they were born, anticipated their eye color and was just overwhelmed with the amazing thing my body was doing. This time around baby had no name, I assumed his eyes would be brown and I felt a tad bit deceived by my body in getting pregnant for the first time without any help or warning (our first three are the result of infertility drugs). So I didn't expect to be so overcome with love for this child, it hit me hard, but I love being in love and I feel blessed. And I of course, took a few more days off.

But at six days old (and of course cleared by my doctor) I went for a run with my husband, a short 1.5 mile run. Slow and a tad uncomfortable, but I was able to run the whole thing. But seeing no need to rush I took another week off and went back out for three miles. Not quite so slow or uncomfortable. And since then I've been somewhat on the run. No need to do any programs, my running has returned far faster than I'd spent most of my pregnancy fearing. I've not seen all of my speed return but I'm already up to eight mile long runs. I've even run a few 5k's. I've completed a new and adjusted 2012 race schedule and I know I still have a ways to return to and surpass where I was headed when I found myself with child this past February but I'm ready and willing to go the distance.

First up, Mountain Junkies Frozen Toe 10k, January 7th. To get there I need more time on the trails, a little bit of hill work, and a slightly further long run but I'm pumped.


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